I want being a good mom to be easier. What can I do?
We all want to be the best mom that we can be, sometimes we just don’t know how. There are a million and one methods, strategies, routines, and tricks out there, but the single most important thing we do for our children is to show them love constantly.
Making life easier as a parent becomes a priority when we are faced with time and exhaustion constraints. As a mom, we see other moms, celebrities and even friends and they seem like they have it all figured out. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. Some have hired help, some have family help and some have no help. The one thing that can make life move smoother for both baby and parents is an age appropriate routine.
Kids crave consistency no matter their age. By creating an age appropriate routine, we are able to provide an easy flow to each day for both parents and baby. When creating a routine, it’s important to weigh up various factors about the individual child and also mommy and daddy. Factors can include;
• Understanding the natural sleep cycles.
• How exhausted they become after certain activities.
• School or day care schedule.
• Activity schedule for the baby. (We are often confused as why some mommy and me classes are conducted at the exact ideal nap time for a young baby!)
• Age, being the most important one!
• Mommy and Daddy’s work schedule.
• Siblings and their schedule.
• Environment of home? (for example, if you live in a condo with no yard, do you have a park nearby?)
Make My Baby Smile creates a custom routine that is based on proven principles and adjusted for the individual. This structured approach provides consistency and predictability and helps prevent children from becoming overtired and cranky. Thus creating a happier lifestyle for baby and parents.

Jayde was absolutely incredible! I can't say enough positive things about our experience. It was honestly life changing! Jayde first helped us to establish a routine with my daughter and then guided us through the tricky maze of sleep training. Jayde was patient, kind, informative, and understanding while we worked through some of the "bad" habits we had established and replaced them with "good" habits. Cece now takes all of her naps in her crib, sleeps 12 hours through the night without any wakings, can self soothe, and doesn't require an army to put her down for naps or bedtime! Jayde not only helped Cece to discover her ability to sleep without Mommy and Daddy helping her, she also helped us to be able to sleep more than 3 hours at a time again and to find time for ourselves. Thank you Jayde and Make My Baby Smile!!

After 9 months of letting our son shape his naps and bedtime, we opted to bring in outside help in an effort to ALL sleep better. Jayde is a warm, caring professional who clearly loves what she does. She gracefully taught us about creating a calm and structured space, both mentally and physically, for our son and for ourselves. She walked us through skills, behaviors, logistics and the "what ifs" with unconditional support and empathy.
Our son is now 16 mo and continues to love his crib, understanding that 'sleep is sleep.' He is a happy, thriving boy with a routine that works for all of us. We attribute a huge part of this to what we learned from Jayde; without her, we would still be struggling with this process, she truly has impacted our lives!
My Baby And I Need HELP Now!
Uh oh! Baby is not happy and mommy is ready to pull her hair out!! Have no fear, we are here to help.
If you need urgent assistance in any baby matter, be it sleep, routine, new baby on the way, integrating a baby into a pet home, or anything else, we have you covered. Reach out, let’s schedule a consultation yesterday and let us change the uh oh in to a simple ahhhh.